What an amazing first Beer Breakfast Excursion Neil and I had strolling Main Street in Lakewood Ranch, taste-testing many fine craft and specialty brews from all across this great planet of ours, several of which are local brewers who from meager beginnings cobbling together recipes in their garages (sound familiar Steve & Woz?) have now made it to the bottling & distribution stage.
Wonderful indeed and certainly worthy of a full fledged Beer Breakfast beer by beer review in an upcoming post. Or would that be a dedicated ‘BB Reviews’ section? Oh the possibilities!!
I gotta tell ya, this whole Beer Breakfast thing is beginning to take on a life of its’ own as Neil and I were approached by DOZENS of good folks who recognized us in our sweeter than sweet BB 2011 tee’s, or from past events. A few watering holes down south went so far as to request a Beer Breakfast at their establishment and we’re working on it. Quite humbling and appreciated…. we shall strive to bring our idea of Revelry~Fellowship~Sanctuary to a Beer Breakfast near you as soon as we can!!