Call me crazy, call me lazy…. OR…. call me proud to announce that our 20th Beer Breakfast Anniversary Bash will benefit our wonderful friends at The Kind Mouse for a second year! Unusual, but not unprecedented as we have helped several other local charities more than once over the years. It’s pretty simple, these mice do SO MUCH GOOD in our community and fill so many hungry tummy’s right here in St Pete that they deserve our support again! Let’s bring them some serious cheese in 2020!
What began as a lark back in 2002 with 5 friends getting together for a round of beers at o’dark-thirty in the morning has grown into an annual gathering of hundreds of like-minded souls eager to enjoy each others company AND raise money for local charities.
We are proud to announce our continued support of…. The Kind Mouse at our next 20th Beer Breakfast Anniversary Bash.
The Kind Mouse was created by Gina Wilkins, a truly special lady. They are a local 501(c)3 charity introduced to Beer Breakfast by my buddy Todd! With a mission to assist families in transition and their chronically hungry children while developing the next generation of volunteers to carry on the mission of The Kind Mouse. No hardworking individual should ever feel despair due to economic hardships beyond their control. Everyone has a right to feel safe and secure in their own homes, and no one should ever go hungry….
As we bring hundreds of folks together to celebrate our 20th Annual Beer Breakfast we will lift our glasses in a setting of REVELRY-FELLOWSHIP-SANCTUARY and help support a fantastic local charity who helps families and kids get a decent meal and caring support within our community.
Please join us on Saturday, March 14, 2020 at Mandarin Hide as we will lift our glasses, fill our bellies and enjoy the…..Revelry~Fellowship~Sanctuary that is BEER BREAKFAST!!
Beer Breakfast isn’t just a party… it’s MERRIMENT WITH A MISSION.
Email if you, too, would like to lend your support and become a Friend of Beer Breakfast! Be sure to Like Us, Follow Us, and invite all your friends to our next event…. Beer Breakfast isn’t just a party… it’s MERRIMENT WITH A MISSION.