Original Article by Robert Trigaux, St. Pete Times Business Columnist
In Print: Thursday, December 1, 2011
Blogger comment by David Repka
Feeling blue? Just be glad you don’t live in not-so-sunny St. Petersburg, Fla. — St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer Press
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Let’s give a hearty Bronx cheer to Men’s Health magazine for its off-the-cuff ranking of 100 American cities. By tagging St. Petersburg as the “saddest” nationwide, the magazine just delivered a publicity black eye at a sensitive time for St. Pete and Tampa Bay. The Pioneer Press and other newspapers in the Midwest — our primo feeder region for snowbirds and retirees — did more than just cover the “news” of the survey. (“St. Petersburg is the saddest city in America — beating out even unemployment-plagued Detroit,” the St. Paul, Minn., newspaper reports.)
[BLOGGER COMMENT: I grew up in Buffalo, NY and have traveled to sad, depressing places like Detroit, Philadelphia and Cleveland. St. Petersburg / Clearwater is a magical place of blue skies and limitless opportunities. Saddest? No way… most of the people you will meet are as happy as a fox eating sauerkraut.]