Beer Breakfast 2025 – Let’s Light This Candle!!

Beer Breakfast ’25…. LET’S LIGHT THIS CANDLE!!

The date is set and our next Beer Breakfast group has been chosen for the Revelry~Fellowship~Sanctuary that is Beer Breakfast!

This is the most anticipated announcement in our 25 year history (don’t try to add it up, remember…. we are day drinkers!) for the next Beer Breakfast event! What began as a lark back in 2002 with 5 friends getting together for a round of beers at o’dark-thirty in the alley behind Mastry’s has grown into an annual gathering of hundreds of like-minded souls eager to enjoy each others company AND raise money for local charities.

In keeping with our mission of supporting local non-profit groups, we are proud to announce our support of…. Arts Conservatory for Teens at our next Beer Breakfast Event. Headquartered in St Petersburg, Florida, Arts Conservatory for Teens (ACT) is an amazing local 501c3 charity introduced to us by our good friend, Ryan Griffin, and his wonderful family.

At Arts Conservatory for Teens (ACT), their mission is to use high quality arts education to educate, empower, and enrich the lives of the youth in our community. By focusing on the holistic development of their students, ACT is ensuring a better future for them and also for our communities. Building self-esteem, confidence, and connections with peers and mentors are all pivotal in building strengths of our youth and also the future of our communities.

Founded in 2012, with headquarters in St. Petersburg, Florida, ACT offers world-class training and performance opportunities in Music, Theater, Dance, Film, Art, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship. ACT is dedicated to the under-served and at-risk youth in our communities, using the arts as a catalyst to prepare students for high school graduation, higher education, and the workforce. 84% of ACT’s scholarships are awarded to underprivileged students.

As we bring hundreds of folks together to celebrate our 25th Annual Beer Breakfast we will lift our glasses in a setting of REVELRY-FELLOWSHIP-SANCTUARY and help support a fantastic local charity who serves, inspires, and empowers our local youth to realize their dreams and accomplish their goals!

Beer Breakfast isn’t just a party… it’s MERRIMENT WITH A MISSION.

Please join us on Saturday, March 1, 2024 at Mandarin Hide as we will lift our glasses, fill our bellies and enjoy the…..Revelry~Fellowship~Sanctuary that is BEER BREAKFAST!!

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