Beer Breakfast 2025 – Tito’s Handmade Vodka

Back by popular demand for their 10th straight Beer Breakfast, we can’t get enough of Tito’s Handmade Vodka, a stalwart at Beer Breakfast since 2015! The infamous Beer Breakfast Bloody Mary Bar will be Titos_260pixback with more tasty treats than ever with the support of this Austin, TX based company. We cannot thank Tito’s Handmade Vodka enough for their very generous support over the years. With the Bloody Mary Bar being lovingly stocked by Liz from Mandarin Hide, the fixin’s will be as spectacular as always and the awesome bartenders at Mandarin Hide will keep the libations flowing!

I’m so blessed to have such great friends help me raise funds for our local 501c3’s like Arts Conservatory for Teens (ACT). Each day we grow and continue to look for more fun folks to support the Revelry~Fellowship~Sanctuary that is BEER BREAKFAST!

We’ve raised over $150,000 for local 501(c)3 charities with the goal of getting to $180,000 this year at our next Beer Breakfast event! None of this happens without the support of amazing people like Tito’s Handmade Vodka and YOU!

Email if you, too, would like to lend your support and become a Friend of Beer Breakfast! Be sure to Like UsFollow Us, share the Evite, and invite all your friends to our next event….

As we bring hundreds of folks together to celebrate our 25th Annual Beer Breakfast we will lift our glasses in a setting of REVELRY-FELLOWSHIP-SANCTUARY and help support a fantastic local charity who serves, inspires, and empowers our local youth to realize their dreams and accomplish their goals!

Beer Breakfast isn’t just a party… it’s MERRIMENT WITH A MISSION.

Please join us on Saturday, March 1, 2024 at Mandarin Hide as we will lift our glasses, fill our bellies and enjoy the…..Revelry~Fellowship~Sanctuary that is BEER BREAKFAST!!

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